Autism Speaks funds research, builds community awareness through events, and provides resources for parents, caregivers, and adults with autism. Their Autism Response Team is available at 888-288-4762, and a local resource directory is available on the website.
The National Autism Society is a U.K.-based organization that provides resources for caregivers, parents, and health professionals who support people with Autism and Asperger’s syndrome. It offers an Autism helpline and multiple online forums.
The Interactive Autism Network funds and publishes research findings related to understanding and treating autism spectrum disorder.
Deal With Autism publishes AutisMag, the leading autism magazine with 22,000 subscribers, and offers online diagnostic tests for varying age groups, a community forum, and other resources on its website.
The CDC provides demographic data and statistics on autism from their latest research, and reviews diagnosis and treatment options for families and health professionals..
The Autism Research Institute funds research, shares the results on their website, and provides educational and coaching resources for health professionals and caregivers of those with ASD.
The Art of Autism is a collaborative non profit who promotes awareness by showcasing the artistic abilities of individuals with ASD. Individuals can submit all kinds of art, including blog posts, poetry, videos, visual art, and movie and book reviews.
The AutismWeb Forum connects over 6,000 members with dedicated sections for recipes for special diets, book reviews, the latest research studies, and non-medical treatments for autism.
Wrong Planet connects parents and adults with Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, and ADHD neurological disorders to lean on each other for support. The autism forum alone has over 1.3 million posts.